Coaches –

With everything going on in the world involving the COVID-19 virus, I just wanted to give you a quick update on where things stand for our CNR Spring Basketball League.

Whereas our biggest decisions in the past deciding whether games took place or not revolved around how much snow we got and what the road conditions were, this is obviously unchartered territory for all of us out there, regardless of the profession we all have.

The reality is that whether games in our spring league take place or not, those decisions will likely be made for us, as most of the gyms we use are controlled by school districts. If schools decide to shut down, that will dramatically affect whether our spring league can take place.

In the meantime, here’s what CNR is dong:

  • We have postponed the first possible start date for the spring league to Saturday April 18th. Originally, we were going to start playing on Friday April 3rd. What this allows CNR to do is push our scheduling process back two weeks. Our scheduling process takes between 2-3 weeks to complete. Pushing this back allows us to see what happens throughout the next week with the virus.
  • We will no longer be having an end of spring tournament on May 16-17. Instead, that weekend will be used for just league games.
  • So overall, our spring league will now take place from April 18 – May 17.
  • Pushing games back will obviously lead to teams playing less games – which really isn’t an issue as we have a summer league scheduled to start at the beginning of June.

I’m an educator and a coach. I’m not a doctor. What will happen moving forward, whether a league takes place or doesn’t, people much smarter than me will help determine that decision. We will update you throughout the days ahead and where we stand with CNR.

In the meantime, take care of yourself and your family.



