Starting with this year’s CNR Nov/Dec Winter League, CNR Basketball has created a “Beginner” Division. Before explaining what this beginner division is and who would qualify for it, let’s first review what our normal ranking process is.

When teams register for our leagues or tournaments, we have a self-ranking system where coaches assign themselves a rank.  To see a breakdown of that 10 thru 1 ranking scale, you can click the link below:

Team Ranking

Some may ask why do we have a self-ranking systems instead of having a committee decide rankings for teams?  The answer is simple.  In the world of basketball, teams are constantly changing.  If a team loses their top two players, that might cause their ranking to change by four or five.  We as a league would have no idea on that.

In the end, we really feel the vast majority of teams are giving an honest assessment of their team when they self-rank themselves.  While there will always be teams who try and under-rank themselves in an effort to have easy games, we feel those are few and far between.

Throughout the years, we feel the biggest discrepancy of talent comes with those who rank themselves a 1.  Some coaches truly feel they are a 1 because deep down they think they are really bad.  However, there are then other groups of teams who rank themselves a 1 that are a level below others.  That’s why are creating the Beginner Division.

Who Qualifies for the Beginner Division?

  • You have to be affiliated with a school, church or feeder program
  • Club programs don’t qualify for the Beginner Division

Just to explain the reasoning on who does and doesn’t qualify, in many club programs, one individual might be coaching multiple teams.  In more cases than not, that person coaching is at least an “average” coach or has prior experience coaching.  These teams wouldn’t qualifying for the Beginner Division.

The teams that we are trying to identify are those teams who consist of kids that are “seasonal” players, where they are only playing in the winter, which is the main season for basketball.  These teams likely have a coach who is a mom or dad that is doing it because their kid is playing.

What Special Rules / Clarifications take place in the Beginner Division?

The following takes place in the beginner division:

  • No pressing (teams have to get back to half-court)
  • No half court trapping defenses
  • Zero Tolerance Rule towards officials

As far as the first two points above, in this beginner division it is preferred that teams play man to man defense.  However, we aren’t making that mandatory as for an inexperienced coach with new players, they may not be capable of playing / teaching man to man defense.  Instead, its easier for them to drop back to a 2-3 zone, tell their players to stand on the block and put their hands in the air.

That being said, in the Beginner Division, teams will not be able to play a half court trapping style defense.  Having three defenders a step behind the half court line ready to pounce on the ball handle when they cross half court doesn’t make any sense at this level.  It’s one thing if a defender when playing man to man is lost on the court and just goes and chases the ball.  Those things will randomly happen.  However, having an organized defense where you are going to trap above the volleyball line will result in the officials stopping the game to push the defense back.

As far as the zero tolerance rule towards officials, this one is simple.  It’s the Beginner Division.  The focus should be on coaching your players and not wasting time and energy questioning any calls.

How do we register for the Beginner Division?

You will simply click that ranking when you register your team.  This division will only be offered during our Nov/Dec League and Jan thru Mar League.  Please know that the league has the right to not place you in the Beginner Division if we feel your team doesn’t qualify.  If that is the case, we will personally reach out to you to explain why and give you the opportunity to make your case.

Also know that if you are in the Beginner Division, and if after a few games based on results it appears you shouldn’t be in that division, we reserve the right to remove you and give you a different schedule.

We don’t qualify for the Beginner Division, but we are still very bad.  Now what?

Teams that rank themselves a 1 will still be scheduled against other inexperienced teams.  Bottom line is, there will still be plenty of lower ranked teams not in the Beginner Division.

For any questions, you can email Jeremy at