Spring League Registration Is Open
Registration continues for the upcoming CNR Basketball Spring League. The League runs from April 11 thru May 11 with games played on Saturday and Sunday with some limited Friday evening…
STL Youth Basketball
Registration continues for the upcoming CNR Basketball Spring League. The League runs from April 11 thru May 11 with games played on Saturday and Sunday with some limited Friday evening…
Welcome to the CNR March Tournament. Click this link to access all brackets, results and schedules. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vRelEUT6UqIezhR0h4Kk2X2aIZU71bWpRbSP__tbZvxNPNyix_eVd7e8BgLXPUmFN2p91KiPsN5O9AB/pubhtml
Attention all, CNR Basketball is accepting applications to join their crew of referees. Officiating CNR Basketball is a great way to stay involved in the game as well as an…
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